Monday, May 30, 2016

How to block website by any name by layer7

How to block website by any name?

you can try this.......
/ip firewall layer7-protocol
add name=prothom regexp="^.+(prothom-alo).*\$"

/ip firewall filter
add action=drop chain=forward layer7-protocol=prothom

Port Number, Protocol Number and Description :

Port Number, Protocol Number and Description :

1 — Ping (Packet Internet Groper) and ICMP)

6 — TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

7 — Echo (Display the Line of Text)

15 — Netstat (Ip Monitoring)

17 — UDP (User Datagram Protocol)

20 — FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Client

21 — FTP Server

22 — SSH (Secure Shell) (Remote Login)

23 — Telnet (Remote Login)

25 — SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) (Incoming Service)

34 — RF (Remote File Transfer)

37 — Timeserver

42 — Name Server or (Wins)

43 — WHOIS

53 — DNS (Domain Naming System or Server)

67 — BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol)

68 — DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

69 — TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)

79 — Finger (List the Current User information)

80 — HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)

88 — Kerberos (Authentication Protocol)

101 — NIC Host NAME

108 — SNA (IBM System Network Architecture)

109 — POP2 (Post Office Protocol Version2)

110 — POP3 (Post Office Protocol Version3)

111 — Portmap

115 — SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol)

118 — SQL Structure Query Languages

119 — NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)

123 — NTP (Network Time Protocol)

136 — Profile

137 — NetBIOS Name Service

138 — NetBIOS Datagram Service

139 — NetBIOS Session Service

143 — IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)

161 — SNMP (Simple Network Managing Protocol)

167 — NMAP (Network Mapper)

174 — Mailq (Mails)

180 — RIS (Remote Installation Service)

223 — IMAP3 (Internet Mail Accessing Protocol)

389 — LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

443 — HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over Security)

500 — IKE (Internet Key Exchange)

514 — Syslog / UDP

515 — Printer (Printing Service)

519 — Uptime (for load average)

520 — RIP Routing Information Protocol

546 — DHCPV6 Client (Dynamic Host configuration Protocol Version6)

547 — DHCPV7 Server (Dynamic Host configuration Protocol Version6)

565 — Whoami (Present user information)

636 — LDAPS over SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

992 — Telnets over SSL

993 — IMAPS over SSL

995 — POP3S over SSL

2049 — NFS (Network File System in Linux) in Windows GFS (Global File System)

2082 — CPANEL (Web server Third-party Tool)

2095 — CPANEL Webmail

2427 — MCGP (Media Gateway Control Protocol)

3128 — Squid (Proxy) (Firewall Filter)

3268 — AD Global Catalog

3269 — AD Global Catalog over SSL

3306 — My SQL Server

3346 — Transporentproxy

33443 — Trace route

6000 to 6063 — Xwindow (Graphical Window)

8080 — Web cache

10000 — Webmin

How to block all website except gmail and ymail by layer7

How to block all website except gmail and ymail

You can use layer 7 protocols

For accept rule:
Name: Accept
regexp= ^.+(||||*$

For deny rule:
Name=Block  regexp=^.+(.).*$

Need two filters rules
1. action=accept and L7=(Accept)
2. action=drop and L7=Block

if u have any trouble to understanding. inbox me :)

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Allowing Specific Ports High Priority over other traffic by simple queue

First we need to mark protocols. In this example we are using SMTP port 25 to provide high priority.

interface=ether1 is your WAN interface.

/ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting protocol=tcp port=25 connection-state=new action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=smtp(port25)_connection_mark_high_prio comment="smtp(port25)_connection_mark_high_prio"

/ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting connection-mark=smtp(port25)_connection_mark_high_prio action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=smtp(port25)_packet_mark_high_prio comment="smtp(port25)_packet_mark_high_prio"

Now we will create Simple Queue and give high priority to marked packets and other packets low priority. (In this example we have 2Mb WAN connection)

/queue simple add name=wan_total_conn_limit interface=ether1 max-limit=2M/2M
/queue simple add name=high_prio_smtp(port25) interface=ether1 parent=wan_total_conn_limit packet-marks=smtp(port25)_packet_mark_high_prio priority=1
/queue simple add name=other_prio_low interface=ether1 parent=Internet priority=8

Now SMTP traffic will get higher priority over other traffic.

Allowing Specific File Extensions High / Limited / Unlimited Bandwidth

For example, You have a network and every user have there bandwidth limited at 256kb. Now you want that if a user is downloading .FLV video file , He can view/download it at unlimited speed regardless of his allowed speed limit, i.e 256kb package, Use the following.

First mark all packets with .flv extention.

/ip firewall mangle
add action=mark-connection chain=postrouting comment="Mark Conn for .flv Ext" content=flv disabled=no new-connection-mark=flv-conn passthrough=yes

add action=mark-packet chain=postrouting comment="Mark Pkts for flv-conn Ext" connection-mark=flv-conn disabled=no new-packet-mark=flv passthrough=no

Now Create a Queue Tree and Set Unlimited or Limited Bandwidth (OR As per your requirements if you want to allot specific amount, set it) to Marked Packets

/queue tree
add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=100M max-limit=100M name=Unlimited-Speed-4-Marked-Pkts packet-mark=flv parent=global-out priority=1 queue=defaul

You can use the same in reverse to limit specific extension type bandwidth usage.

Allowing specific extension low priority and other traffic high priority by simple queue

In this example we are marking traffic via mangle rules. .iso extension is marked as low priority traffic , and all other traffic is marked as hi priority traffic.

For example We have 256kb internet bandwidth in total. and we want that when users are downloading any .iso file, it gets low priority over other traffic i.e browsing etc. Use the following.

/ip firewall mangle

add action=mark-connection chain=postrouting comment="Mark Conn for .iso Ext" content=iso disabled=no new-connection-mark=iso-conn passthrough=yes

add action=mark-packet chain=postrouting comment="Mark Pkts for iso-conn Ext" connection-mark=iso-conn disabled=no new-packet-mark=lo-prio-traffic-pkts passthrough=no

add action=mark-connection chain=postrouting comment="Mark Conn for all other traffic" content=!iso disabled=no new-connection-mark=hi-prio-traffic-conn passthrough=yes

add action=mark-packet chain=postrouting comment="Mark Pkts for all other traffic" connection-mark=hi-prio-traffic-conn disabled=no new-packet-mark=hi-prio-traffic-pkts passthrough=no

/queue simple add name=wan_conn_limit interface=ether1 max-limit=256k/256k

/queue simple add name=hi-prio-traffic interface=ether1 parent=wan_conn_limit packet-marks=hi-prio-traffic-pkts priority=1

/queue simple add name=lo-prio-traffic packet-marks=lo-prio-traffic-pkts interface=ether1 parent=wan_conn_limit priority=8

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Limiting each user bandwidth by Simple Queue

We will limit user Wahid to 256kbps.
Lets constider that,
IP address of Wahid is

/queue simple add name="wahid" target-addresses= max-limit=256k/256k

Now we will limit user Muhammad to 512kbps.
Lets constider that,
IP address of Muhammad is

/queue simple add name="Muhammad" target-addresses= max-limit=512k/512k

If you want, you can also set burst limit feature here.


Equal Bandwidth Distribution to unknown number of users using PCQ Simple Queue where WAN bandwidth is known(Best configuration for home/small office use)

We will configure PCQ Simple Queue where WAN bandwidth is known and equal Bandwidth will distribute to unknown number of users.

If you have 512 kbps(known bandwidth) in WAN interface and you want to share this equally
among your LAN users(unknown number),  but if only one PC(user) is active then that PC(user)
will get full 512 kbps, if 2 pcs(users) are active 256 kbps each and vise versa.
This is best configuration for home/small office use.

Lets consider that,
LAN network:

Use the following command:

/queue type add name="download_equal" kind=pcq pcq-rate=512k pcq-classifier=dst-address
/queue type add name="upload_equal" kind=pcq pcq-rate=512k pcq-classifier=src-address 
/queue simple add queue=upload_equal/download_equal target-addresses=


Friday, May 6, 2016

E-Mail alert on queue tree limit exceeded

I will show you a little script of Mikrotik RouterOS to check queue and mail if queue tree exceed the limit you set.
For example we have a queue tree that limits the amount of total traffic (Upload+Download) to 2Mbps.
I want to know whenever this queue exceed the limit, and the system will send me an email alart.
This is the script:
Assume that a que tree name=total-traffic
:global checkrate [/queue tree get total-traffic rate]
:local limit 2000000
:if ( $checkrate < $limit ) do={
:log info ("Queue not Exceeded")
:if ( $checkrate > $limit ) do={
:log info ("Queue Exceeded")
/tool e-mail send from="" to="" subject=("Queue Limit Exceed name=total-traffic") body=("Queue Limit Exceed name=total-traffic, Limit is: " . $checkrate)


Mikrotik Queue Tree to limit total bandwidth of a ethernet port

I will show you how to manage the Mikrotik Queue Tree to limit the total bandwidth. For example you can split a 2Mbps bandwidth to 512Kbps per 4 users. In my example i’ll limit upload+download=2Mbps
First of all we need to mark the packets to be traced in the queue.
/ip firewall mangle
add action=mark-packet chain=prerouting in-interface=ether3 new-packet-mark=upload
add action=mark-packet chain=postrouting out-interface=ether3 new-packet-mark=download

Then we’ll set up the queue tree.
/queue tree
add max-limit=20M name=total-traffic parent=global queue=default
add name=upload packet-mark=upload parent=total-traffic queue=default
add name=download packet-mark=download parent=total-traffic queue=default
